City guided tours in Berlin & Potsdam

• What has the Quadriga got to do with the term ‘tit for tat’?
• Why was the Berlin saying ‘Du kriegst die Motten!’ (an expression of disbelief that talks of ‘catching moths’) particularly justified in Prenzlauer Berg at the start of the last century?
• Why was King Frederick William IV of Prussia important for Cologne Cathedral?
I will gladly answer these questions and more for you and your friends, relatives, guests or business partners over the course of my guided tours – whether you were born here, have moved to the city (like me) or are simply visiting Berlin.
Look forward to exciting forays through the city’s history and architecture, plus a look at the latest developments in Berlin and Potsdam.
The themed tours have been designed as guided walks of around two hours and are available in German and English. Depending on time and budget, the topics can also be combined in any way you wish.
I would be delighted to welcome you as my guest on a tour in the near future